ISSUE - Faith, Evolution, Morality - Facing the thorny issues of conflict between faith and science









Issue: Faith, Evolution, Morality – Facing the thorny issues of conflict between faith and science


For: United Nations, Governments, Religions or Beliefs, Academia, NGOs, Media, Civil Society


Review: A Teacher on the Front Line as Faith and Science Clash, by Amy Harmon, New York Times, 24 August 2008.  Taking a Cue from Ants on Evolution of Humans, by Nicholas Wade, Science Times, New York Times, Tuesday 15 July 2008. The Neural Buddhists – When brain research meets the Bible, by David Brooks, 13 May 2008. Believing Scripture but Playing by Science’s Rules, by Cornelia Dean, New York Times, 12 February 2007.


The question isn’t whether Intelligent Design and Creationism should be taught in schools, but where they should be taught. Science teachers believe the subjects are not appropriate in science classrooms as they are not comparable or compatible with Darwin’s theory of evolution and the origin of species. Science has rigorous standards and verifiable methods of inquiry. Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states - everyone has a right to freedom of conscience, thought, opinion and expression. Intelligent Design and Creationism cannot be verified under rules of scientific inquiry. As faith-based core beliefs they should be taught with course curricula in theology, philosophy or world religions and social studies in public schools.  


Links to the articles follow these excerpts: 


A Teacher on the Front Line as Faith and Science Clash


“But in a nation where evangelical Protestantism and other religious traditions stress a literal reading of the biblical description of God’s individually creating species, students often arrive at school fearing that evolution, and perhaps science itself, is hostile to their faith.


With a mandate to teach evolution but little guidance as to how, science teachers are contriving their own ways to turn a culture war into a lesson plan. How they fare may bear on whether a new generation of Americans embraces scientific evidence alongside religious belief.”


Taking a Cue from Ants on Evolution of Humans


“It is through multilevel or group-level selection – favoring the survival of one group of organisms over another – that evolution has in Dr. Wilson’s view brought into being the many essential genes that benefit the group at the individual’s expense. In humans, these may include genes that underlie generosity, moral constraints, even religious behavior.


“Though Dr. Wilson is a fighter when necessary, he is also a conciliator. In his most recent book, The Creation, he calls for scientists and religious leaders to make common cause in saving the natural life of the planet. He has addressed major meetings of Mormons and Southern Baptists to ask for their help in protecting biodiversity. Of the differences between science and religion, he says: ‘Stop quibbling – I’m willing to say ‘Under God’ and to hold my hand to my heart. That’s recognition of how this country evolved, and that we are using strong language to strong purpose, even if we may not agree on how the Earth was created.”


The Neural Buddhists


“David Brooks in saying the scientific revolution will have a big effect on culture says this: Researchers now spend a lot of time trying to understand universal moral intuitions. Genes are not merely selfish, it appears. Instead, people seem to have deep instincts for fairness, empathy and attachment…This new wave of research will not seep into the public realm in the form of militant atheism. Instead it will lead to what you might call neural Buddhism.


Believing Scripture but Playing by Science’s Rules


“His subject was the abundance and spread of mosasaurs, marine reptiles that, as he wrote, vanished at the end of the Cretaceous era about 65 million years ago. The work is ‘impeccable,’ said David E. Fastovsky, a paleontologist and professor of geosciences at the university who was Dr. Ross’s dissertation adviser. ‘He was working within a strictly scientific framework, a conventional scientific framework. But Dr. Ross is hardly a conventional paleontologist. He is a ‘young earth creationist’ – he believes that the Bible is a literally true account of the creation of the universe, and that the earth is at most 10,000 years old.”




Link: A Teacher on the Front Line as Faith and Science Clash, by Amy Harmon, New York Times, August 24, 2008.




Link to New York Science Times article: Taking a Cue from Ants on Evolution of Humans.



Link to the full New York Times article: The Neural Buddhists – When brain research meets the Bible, by David Brooks, New York Times. There is free access to this article if you join



Link to full New York Times article:  Believing Scripture but Playing by Science’s Rules, Cornelia Dean, New York Times, 12 February 2007. There is free access to this article by joining



Excerpts: Excerpts are presented under the Eight Articles of the 1981 U.N. Declaration on the Elimination of all Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief. Examples of excerpts are presented prior to an Issue Statement for each Review.  


1. 3 Freedom to manifest one’s religion or belief may be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary to protect public safety, order, health, morals or the fundamental rights and freedoms of others.


4. 1 All States shall take effective measures to prevent and eliminate discrimination on the grounds of religion or belief in the recognition, exercise and enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms in all fields of civil, economic, political, social and cultural life.


4.1.4 Social (science, religion and education)




ORANGE PARK, Florida – David Campbell switched on the overhead projector and wrote “Evolution” in the rectangle of light on the screen. He scanned the faces of the sophomores in his Biology I class. Many of them, he knew from years of teaching high school in this Jacksonville suburb, had been raised to take the biblical creation story as fact. His gaze rested for a moment on Bryce Haas, a football player who attended the 6 a.m. prayer meetings of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes in the school gymnasium.


“If I do this wrong,” Mr. Campbell remembers thinking on that humid spring morning, “I’ll lose him.”


In February, the Florida Department of Education modified its standards to explicitly require, for the first time, the state’s public schools teach evolution, calling it “the organizing principle of life science.” Spurred in part by legal rulings against school districts seeking to favor religious versions of natural history, over a dozen other states have also given more emphasis in recent years to what has long been the scientific consensus; that all of the diverse life forms on Earth descended from a common ancestor, through a process of mutation and natural selection, over billions of years.


But in a nation where evangelical Protestantism and other religious traditions stress a literal reading of the biblical description of God’s individually creating species, students often arrive at school fearing that evolution, and perhaps science itself, is hostile to their faith.


With a mandate to teach evolution but little guidance as to how, science teachers are contriving their own ways to turn a culture war into a lesson plan. How they fare may bear on whether a new generation of Americans embraces scientific evidence alongside religious belief.




Ants are Dr. Wilson’s first and enduring love. But he has become one of the world’s best known biologists through two other passions, his urge to create large syntheses of knowledge and his gift for writing. An updated edition of “The Superorganism,” his encyclopedic work on ants co-written with Bert Holldobler, will be published in November. He is preparing a treatise on the forces of social evolution, which seems likely to apply to people the lessons evident in ant colonies. And he is engaged in another fight.


The new fight is one Dr. Wilson has picked. It concerns a central feature of evolution, one with considerable bearing on human social behaviors. The issue is the level as which evolution operates. Many evolutionary biologists have been persuaded, by works like “The Selfish Gene” by Richard Dawkins, that the gene is the only level at which natural selection acts. Dr. Wilson, changing his mind because of new data about the genetics of ant colonies, now believes that natural selection operates at many levels, including the level of a social group.


It is through multilevel or group-level selection – favoring the survival of one group of organisms over another – that evolution has in Dr. Wilson’s view brought into being the many essential genes that benefit the group at the individual’s expense. In humans, these may include genes that underlie generosity, moral constraints, even religious behavior. Such traits are difficult to account for, though not impossible, on the view that natural selection favors only behaviors that help the individual to survive and leave more children. “I believe that deep in their heart everyone working on social insects is aware that the selection that created them is multilevel selection,” Dr. Wilson said.


“It is an astonishing circumstance that the study of ethics has advanced so little since the nineteenth century,” he wrote, dismissing a century of work by moral philosophers. His insight has been supported by the recent emergence of a new school of psychologists who are constructing an evolutionary explanation of morality.


Dr. Wilson’s treatise, on the shaping of social behavior, seems likely to tread firmly into this vexed arena. Morality and religion, he suspects, are traits based on group selection. “Groups with men of quality – brace, strong, innovative, smart and altruistic – would tend to prevail, as Darwin said, over those groups that do not have those qualities so well developed,” Dr. Wilson said.


“Now that, obviously, is a rather unpopular idea, very politically incorrect if pushed, but nevertheless Darwin may have been right about that. Undoubtedly that will be another big controversy,” in said without evident regret, “and that will be my next book, when I get through with my novel.”


Looking back at the “heavy mortar fire” that rained done on him over “Sociobiology,” he said he had risked his academic career and feared for a time that he had made a fatal error. His admiration for the political courage of the Harvard faculty is not without limits; many colleagues told him they supported him, but all did so privately. Academic biologists are still so afraid of inciting similar attacks that they practice sociobiology under other names, like evolutionary psychology.


Though Dr. Wilson is a fighter when necessary, he is also a conciliator. In his most recent book, “The Creation,” he calls for scientists and religious leaders to make common cause in saving the natural life of the planet. He has addressed major meetings of Mormons and Southern Baptists to ask for their help in protecting biodiversity. Of the differences between science and religion, he says: “Stop quibbling – I’m willing to say ‘Under God’ and to hold my hand to my heart. That’s recognition of how this country evolved, and that we are using strong language to strong purpose, even if we may not agree on how the Earth was created.”




Lo and behold, over the past decade, a new group of assertive atheists has done battle with defenders of the faith. The two sides have argued about whether it is reasonable to conceive of a soul that survives the death of the body and about whether understanding the brain explains away or merely adds to our appreciation of the entity that created it.


The atheism debate is a textbook example of how a scientific revolution can change public culture. Just as “The Origin of Species” reshaped social thinking, just as Einstein’s theory of relativity affected art, so the revolution in neuroscience is having an effect on how people see the world…Any yet my guess is that the atheism debate is going to be a sideshow. The cognitive revolution is not going to end up undermining faith in God; it’s going to end up challenging faith in the Bible.


Researchers now spend a lot of time trying to understand universal moral intuitions. Genes are not merely selfish, it appears. Instead, people seem to have deep instincts for fairness, empathy and attachment…This new wave of research will not seep into the public realm in the form of militant atheism. Instead it will lead to what you might call neural Buddhism. 


In their arguments with Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins, the faithful have been defending the existence of God. That was the easy debate. The real challenge is going to come from people who feel the existence of the sacred, but who think that particular religions are just cultural artifacts built on top of universal human traits. It’s going to come from scientists whose beliefs overlap a bit with Buddhism…In unexpected ways, science and mysticism are joining hands and reinforcing each other. That’s bound to lead to new movements that emphasize self-transcendence but put little stock in divine law or revelation.


Orthodox believers are going to have to defend particular doctrines and particular biblical teachings. They’re going to have to defend the idea of a personal God, and explain why specific theologies are true guides for behavior day to day. I’m not qualified to take sides, believe me. I’m just trying to anticipate which way the debate is headed. We’re in the middle of a scientific revolution. It’s going to have big cultural effects.




There is nothing much unusual about the 197-page dissertation Marcus R. Ross submitted in December to complete his doctoral degree in geosciences here at the University of Rhode Island. His subject was the abundance and spread of mosasaurs, marine reptiles that, as he wrote, vanished at the end of the Cretaceous era about 65 million years ago. The work is ‘impeccable,’ said David E. Fastovsky, a paleontologist and professor of geosciences at the university who Dr. Ross’s dissertation adviser. ‘He was working within a strictly scientific framework, a conventional scientific framework.’


But Dr. Ross is hardly a conventional paleontologist. He is a ‘young earth creationist’ – he believes that the Bible is a literally true account of the creation of the universe, and that the earth is at most 10,000 years old.


For him, Dr. Ross said, the methods and theories of paleontology are one ‘paradigm’ for studying the past and Scripture is another. In the paleontological paradigm, he said, the dates in his dissertation are entirely appropriate. The fact that as a young earth creationist he has a different view just means, he said, ‘that I am separating the different paradigms.’


Dr. Ross, 30, grew up in Rhode Island in an evangelical Christian family. He attended Pennsylvania State University and then the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, where he wrote his mater’s thesis on marine fossils found in the state…Today he teaches earth science at Liberty University, the conservative Christian institution founded by the Rev. Jerry Falwell where, Dr. Ross said, he uses a conventional scientific text.


For Biblical literalists, Scripture is the final authority. As a creationist raised in an evangelical household and a paleontologist who said he was ‘just captivated’ as a child by dinosaurs and fossils, Dr. Ross embodies conflicts between these two approaches. The conflicts arise often these days, particularly as people debate the teaching of evolution.


Perhaps the most famous creationist wearing the secular mantle of science is Kurt P. Wise, who earned his doctorate at Harvard in 1989 under the guidance of the paleontologist Stephan Jay Gould, a leading theorist of evolution who died in 2002.


And for some, his case raises thorny philosophical and practical questions. May a secular university deny otherwise qualified students a degree because of their religion? Can a student produce intellectually honest work that contradicts deeply held beliefs? Should it be obligatory (or forbidden) for universities to consider how students will use the degrees they earn?


Eugenie C. Scott, executive director of the National Center for Science Education, a private group on the front line of the battle for the teaching of evolution, said fundamentalists who capitalized on secular credentials ‘to miseducate the public’ were doing a disservice.


Dr. Fastovsky said he had talked to Dr. Ross ‘lots of times’ about his religious beliefs, but that depriving him of his doctorate because of them would be nothing more than religious discrimination.  ‘We are not here to certify his religious beliefs,’ he said. ‘All I can tell you is that he came here and did science that is completely defensible.’


But Dr. Scott, a former professor of physical anthropology at the University of Colorado, said in an interview that graduate admissions  committees were entitled to consider the difficulties that would arise from admitting a doctoral candidate with views ‘so at variance with what we consider standard science.’  This is not religious discrimination, she added, it is discrimination ‘on the basis of science.’


Asked whether it was intellectually honest to write a dissertation so at odds with his religious views, he said: ‘I was working within a particular paradigm of earth history. I accepted that philosophy of science for the purpose of working with the people of Rhode Island. And though his dissertation repeatedly described events as occurring tens of millions of years ago, Dr. Ross added, ‘I did not imply or deny any endorsement of the dates.


And for some, his case raises thorny philosophical and practical questions. May a secular university deny otherwise qualified students a degree because of their religion? Can a student produce intellectually honest work that contradicts deeply held beliefs? Should it be obligatory (or forbidden) for universities to consider how students will use the degrees they earn?


Eugenie C. Scott, executive director of the National Center for Science Education, a private group on the front line of the battle for the teaching of evolution, said fundamentalists who capitalized on secular credentials ‘to miseducate the public’ were doing a disservice


ISSUE STATEMENT: The article, Believing Scripture but Playing by Science’s Rules, is on a PhD dissertation by a United States scientist who uses science to model 65 million year old marine fossils in South Dakota, while using his deeply held religious beliefs to model the claim that the earth is 10,000 years old. The article is an example of the challenge on some issues between religion and science. Can International Human Rights Standards on Freedom of Religion or Belief be helpful in reconciling such issues that involve religious discrimination vs. science discrimination?


International Human Rights Standards on Freedom of Religion or Belief are international human rights treaty law and universal codes of conduct for peaceful cooperation, respectful competition and resolution of conflicts. The standards are a platform for genuine dialogue on core principles and values within and among nations, all religions and other beliefs.


The United Nations Human Rights Committee: General Comment No. 22 (48); On Article 18, Adopted 20 July 1993, Paragraph 8: “The Committee observes that the concept of morals derives from many social, philosophical and religious traditions; consequently, limitations on the freedom to manifest a religion or belief for the purpose of protecting morals must be based on principles not deriving exclusively from a single tradition.

Surely one of the best hopes for the future of humankind is to embrace a culture in which religions and other beliefs accept one another, in which wars and violence are not tolerated in the name of an exclusive right to truth, in which children are raised to solve conflicts with mediation, compassion and understanding.





Submit information under the Eight Articles and sub-paragraphs of the 1981 U.N. Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief by using The Tandem Project Country & Community Database.


Introduction: The Tandem Project is dedicated to support for International Human Rights Standards on Freedom of Religion or Belief. The focus is on fundamental values shared virtually universally by public, private, religious and non-religious organizations to change how our cultures view differences, how we often behave toward one another and to forestall the reflexive hostility we see so vividly around the world.


As we are all painfully aware, religious conflict continues to escalate worldwide whether in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Africa, South Asia, East Asia or the Americas. Acceptance of the rights of others to their own beliefs continues to be a value denied for millions of people. Much suffering is inflicted in the name of religion or belief on minorities, women and children and “the other” for the most part by perpetrators in total disregard for the tenets of their own faiths.


Surely one of the best hopes for the future of humankind is to embrace a culture in which religions and other beliefs accept one another, in which wars and violence are not tolerated in the name of an exclusive right to truth, in which children are raised to solve conflicts with mediation, compassion and understanding.


The Tandem Project: a non-governmental organization founded in 1986 to build understanding, tolerance and respect for diversity, and to prevent discrimination in matters relating to freedom of religion or belief. The Tandem Project, a non-profit NGO, has sponsored multiple conferences, curricula, reference materials and programs on Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights – Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion - and 1981 United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief.


The Tandem Project initiative is the result of a co-founder representing the World Federation of United Nations Associations at the United Nations Geneva Seminar, Encouragement of Understanding, Tolerance and Respect in Matters Relating to Freedom of Religion or Belief, called by the UN Secretariat in 1984 on ways to implement the 1981 UN Declaration. In 1986, The Tandem Project organized the first NGO International Conference on the 1981 UN Declaration.


The Tandem Project Executive Director is: Michael M. Roan, 


Documents Attached:


Faith, Evolution and Morality

Professor - turned Pope - Leads Seminar on Evolution

Islamic Creationist and a Book Sent around the World

Believing Scripture but Playing by Science's Rules


The Tandem Project is a UN NGO in Special Consultative Status with the

Economic and Social Council of the United Nations
